This form is intended for faculty and postdocs at one of UBC’s campuses who would like to affiliate with the Centre for Climate Justice. If you’re situated at a different institution and are interested in affiliating with us, please get in touch via our contact email.
Please read below on the details of faculty roles and responsibilities before completing the form.
Faculty roles
There are four primary roles that faculty play in the CCJ:
Co-directors provide leadership for the Executive Committee, and provide strategic vision and oversight of CCJ operations.
Executive committee members meet regularly (generally monthly) and oversee CCJ operations. They make operational decisions and guide the strategic planning of the Centre. They also participate in Working Groups. EC members are elected by the whole CCJ community (including affiliate faculty) via an annual call for nominations.
Core faculty members share the benefits and responsibilities of affiliate faculty (detailed below), and also participate in Working Groups to guide the work of the CCJ in key areas. Alternatively, core faculty members may take a leadership role in coordinating one of the CCJ’s research streams. Working Group topics change according to need; current Working Groups include:
- Musqueam and Syilx relationships
- Student engagement
- Events and public engagement
- Emergent climate response research
- Policy, action, and change
Affiliate faculty participate in Centre events, collaborate on research projects with CCJ support, and are active members of the CCJ community. Affiliate faculty can:
- List CCJ as a partner on research grants and receive in-kind support for grant applications, grant management, and research (staff time, space for research assistants, matching funds may be subject to voting process among CCJ membership and approval of CCJ Executive Committee). Confirmation of support must be requested from the CCJ Executive Committee and Research Manager.
- Share their research through the CCJ newsletter, website and social media, and CCJ workshops/colloquia.
- Publish working papers and reports with the CCJ imprint (subject to approval by the Executive Committee).
- Socialize with like-minded researchers via CCJ events and gatherings.
- Shape the agenda for climate justice research across UBC campuses, and participate in ongoing discussions on best practices for community-engaged climate justice research.
Responsibilities of affiliation include:
- Supporting the mission and mandate of the CCJ by advancing its shared research, teaching, and community engagement goals
- Working in alignment with our guiding principles
- Attending CCJ events and reading groups, as possible
- Sharing annual progress reports with CCJ staff in order to contribute to our Centre reporting
- Being willing to review submissions to the undergraduate Journal for Climate Justice
- Being willing to contribute to CCJ workshops and mentorships activities for CCJ students
Process of affiliation
New affiliate/core faculty applications are voted on by the Executive Committee at their regular (usually monthly) meetings. Applications are assessed for:
- Topical fit with existing research areas or key gaps in research areas
- Ability and commitment to contribute to CCJ work
- Contribution to diversity of experience and expertise represented in CCJ community
- Depth of engagement with climate justice scholarship, including community-engaged research
Affiliated faculty will be reminded to request renewal every 2 years by submitting a one-page summary of their research, teaching, and publication activity in climate justice, broadly conceived.
There are no specific limits to the number of core members or affiliate faculty. The executive committee may decide in the future to limit its membership in order to facilitate effective decision-making.
Become Affiliated