Before joining UBC I was a classroom teacher and also worked as a marine educator and park naturalist. These experiences prompted me to pursue a MA and PhD in Science and Environmental Education. I teach elementary science methods as well as courses in communications, environmental learning, and research methods. I enjoy working with Teacher Candidates and undergraduate science students in my role as Faculty Advisor with the Teacher Education Office. My research focuses on elementary science, environmental education, and teacher education. I view myself as a naturalist, scientist, and educator of, for, and in the environment; I am a passionate advocate for learning experiences that nurture our sense of wonder for the human and more than human world.
I am dedicated to science and environmental education, and elementary science is my home. My goal is for students to become confident, knowledgeable, and excited about teaching science. The Having of Wonderful Ideas in both theory and practice is linked through inquiry, doing, collaborating, wondering, reflecting, remembering, and taking action. My dialogical approach emphasizes hands on direct experiences, long-term engagement, and in-depth observation, conversation, and reflection. My course curricula and pedagogies are informed by scholarly and professional literature exploring inquiry, slow pedagogy, ethical caring, constructivism, Storywork, Indigenous ways and decolonizing perspectives, and place as EcoPedagogy.
What I do at UBC
- Area Coordinator, Science Education
- Co-Director UBC Intergenerational Landed Learning
- NSERC PromoScience
- Faculty Lead BEd Dual Degree Programme Physics, Math Forestry, Kinesiology
- Faculty Lead MEd Cohort Curriculum Studies in IB
- Education Community | Member, Board of Governors, Shawnigan Lake School