The Case for a Right to Cool: Too Hot at Home Podcast Launch

In British Columbia, heat is exposing and exacerbating deeply rooted inequalities. The ongoing housing crisis coupled with deadly heatwaves have placed tenants among our provinces’ most vulnerable to the uneven impacts of climate change. Why do tenants face ongoing risk to heatwaves? And, how can they be better protected in the future? Join us for a limited-series podcast launching that dives into these challenges! This podcast episode follows BC tenant Margaret, who is currently navigating the intersecting challenges of housing and climate change. What can her experiences show us about the change that tenants need in the face of worsening climate impacts?

This podcast is supported by the Centre for Climate Justice in partnership with BC Poverty Reduction Coalition. Rona MacNicol produced this podcast and is part of a research project Housing Justice in a Climate Emergency co-led by UBC Geography Assistant Professor Mohammed Rafi Arefin and Professor Gerry Pratt.

Check out the full, first episode today! And help us spread the word.
