Climate Disaster Project: Trauma-Informed Interview Training

Thursday August 17, 2023 - Friday September 1, 2023

** Extended deadline – July 20th (11:59PM)! **

Climate change means our lives will be defined by the disasters each new season brings. In this intensive summer training, you’ll learn how to communicate the human impacts of those disasters using trauma-informed journalism techniques. As members of the Climate Disaster Project, an international teaching newsroom, you’ll work with disaster-affected community members to gather oral histories of their experiences and adapt them into stories that can be shared with the news media. In doing so, you’ll build solidarity around those experiences, re-focusing climate coverage on its human-scale, present-tense impacts.


Training Overview

Week #1

Thursday 17 August 2023 – Friday 18 August 2023

tentatively, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM both days

Week #2

Thursday 31 August 2023 – Friday 1 September 2023

tentatively, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM both days

Basic Information

All training will occur in-person on the UBC Vancouver campus. A specific venue on campus will be announced closer to the first date of training.

A light break (pastry, tea/coffee) and lunch (sandwich and snack) will be provided each day.



Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certification in trauma-informed journalism from the Division of Continuing Studies at the University of Victoria.


Work by former Climate Disaster Project students includes:



Priority will be given to CCJ-affiliated graduate students, but advanced undergraduates and community members with prior experience with climate justice, journalism, and/or oral history work are also encouraged to apply.


How to Apply

Please send the following materials to with the subject line, “Application: Climate Disaster Project Summer Training”:

  • 1-page cover letter explaining what you hope to get out of this training and your relevant experience
  • Recent transcript (unofficial transcripts are permitted)
  • Optional: up-to-date CV

Deadline to apply: 20 July 2023 @ 11:59 PM Pacific

Applicants will be notified whether they were selected or waitlisted by 14 July 2023.



Don’t hesitate to direct any questions to the CCJ’s Administrative and Program Assistant, Jack Suchodolski, at the following email: