Canada’s Fair Share: A Summit on Global Climate Equity

Monday October 28, 2024 - Wednesday October 30, 2024
6:30 PM - 2:00 PM

The CCJ is proud to co-sponsor this summit organized by the Climate Emergency Unit’s Fair Shares Campaign alongside co-sponsors SFU CERi, Padma Centre for Climate Justice, BCCIC, Shake Up The Estab, and theCanadian Foreign Policy Institute.

For decades, Canada has lagged in its obligations to the international community, and today we hear renewed calls from Global South leaders and social movements for greater solidarity from Canadian civil society as the climate crisis closes in.

For more information on the summit, click here.

Summit Sessions

Monday, October 28

Kickoff Party

6:00 pm – 8:30 pm (PT) | 312 Main, Vancouver BC

Join us at 312 Main in Vancouver, BC for food, drinks, music and conversation to jumpstart this summit on global equity!

Anjali Appadurai, director of the Padma Centre for Climate Justice, and others will discuss the need for this summit, our goals and what to expect in the days ahead.

And we’ll watch video messages on the state of global climate equity and where Canada stands from Meena Raman, the Head of Programmes at Third World Network, and others, moderated by Bianca Mugyenyi, the co-founder and former director of the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute.

Tuesday, October 29

Welcome & Context Setting

9:00 am – 9:30 am (PT) | on Zoom

Anjali Appadurai, director of the Padma Institute for Climate Justice and the campaigns director for the Climate Emergency Unit, will introduce the Canada’s Fair Share summit on global equity and our goals for this gathering within our current geopolitical and climate context.

Climate Finance

Panel | 10:00 am – 11:00 am (PT) | on Zoom

To begin a series of panels and workshops, Ceecee Holz, senior research associate at the Climate Equity Reference Project, will present the results of a working group they led this year to determine Canada’s “climate fair share” of the global effort. Then, Rajinder Deol, a researcher with SFU’s Community-Engaged Research Initiative (CERi), will present a discussion paper on Canada’s historical and ongoing actions on climate equity. Together, they will discuss the implications of their work, with the goal to collaboratively identify some Canadian policy recommendations in the following session. Moderated by Anjali Appadurai.

Workshop | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (PT) | on Zoom

In this session, we will reflect on what we heard from Ceecee and Raj’s presentations and discuss how to shift the narrative around climate equity in Canada before collaboratively working on identifying policy levers in these areas and beginning to draft a statement of unity around climate finance and equity.

Tax and Trade Justice

Panel | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (PT) | on Zoom

Researchers and economists Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives) and DT Cochrane (Canadian Labour Congress) will explore how issues of trade affect climate justice, as well as the financial levers we can press as a movement to affect change, exploring ongoing tax and trade justice campaigns around the world. Moderated by Bianca Mugyenyi.

Workshop 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm (PT) | on Zoom

We’ll return to our collective statement of unity and ask the question: how to pay for this? Panelists and the moderator will talk us through the many mechanisms and campaigns to pay for Fair Shares through taxes and levies on the wealthiest, the fossil fuel industry, international financial transfers, and other methods.

Wednesday, October 30

Financial Institutions and Debt

Panel 10:00 am – 11:00 am (PT) | on Zoom

Victor Menotti, the US Coordinator of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice (DCJ), Mariana Paoli, Global Advocacy Lead for Christian Aid, and Geoff Mann, Distinguished Professor at Simon Fraser University, will examine how global financial institutions and cycles of debt propel global climate inequity, Canada’s role in these systems and what we can do to change them. Moderated by Anjali Appadurai.

Workshop 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (PT) | on Zoom

In this final workshop, we’ll return to our statement of unity to discuss the role we want Canada to take in international financial institutions.

Next Steps and Closing Thoughts

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm (PT) | on Zoom

To close, Anjali Appadurai (Climate Emergency Unit) and Rajinder Deol (SFU CERi) will present the collaborative working statement we have been working on throughout the summit and talk about next steps, turning these ideas into action.

Then, we hear from youth. Members of Shake Up the Establishment have been listening and helping facilitate throughout this summit. They will offer their reflections, recommendations and closing thoughts.