Graduate Students


The form below is intended for graduate students at one of UBC’s campuses who would like to affiliate with the Centre for Climate Justice. If you’re situated at a different institution and are interested in affiliating with us, please get in touch via our contact email.

Please read the details of affiliation below before completing the form.

Graduate student community at the CCJ

CCJ graduate activities focus on building community among graduate students and between graduate students and faculty; supporting students’ professional development; fostering spaces for sharing and showcasing graduate student research; supporting new and interdisciplinary collaborations; and ensuring graduate student representation in CCJ governance.

Responsibilities of affiliation

  • Sharing the mission and principles of the CCJ
  •  Participate in at least three CCJ graduate events per year (lunches, symposium,
    workshops, etc.)

    • As part of this participation, present at minimum of one CCJ event (symposium,
      works-in-progress meetings) or writing a news item for the CCJ website.
  • Attend at least two CCJ-sponsored events annually (virtually or in-person).
  • Write a short update and reflection piece at the end of the year on your CCJ affiliation
    (highlighting recent publications, outputs, professional and personal updates related to
    climate justice, etc.). This may be highlighted on the CCJ website. If you are already
    submitting an annual progress report to your department, you can submit that report
    instead (with an emphasis on CJ content).
  • Fielding occasional requests to review submissions to the undergraduate Journal for Climate Justice.

Process of affiliation

New affiliate graduate student applications are assessed on a rolling basis by the Graduate Student Coordinators, with input as necessary by CCJ core faculty and the Research Manager. Applications are assessed for: 

  • Topical fit with existing research areas or key gaps in research areas 
  • Ability and commitment to contribute to CCJ work 
  • Contribution to diversity of experience and expertise represented in CCJ community 
  • Depth of engagement with climate justice scholarship, including community-engaged research 

There are no specific limits at this stage to the number of affiliated students. 

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